Former President Soeharto Stay So the Best In the New Order

Diposting oleh Anonim on Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

Former President Soeharto Stay So the Best In the New Order - Indonesia read this news makes me in awe of the figure that we know lead the Indonesian nation decades, he was Mr. Suharto's development. He remains so superior as a leader compared to other presidents. Let's look at survey results that showed Soeharto remained superior. References from
  JAKARTA, - Indo Barometer, a national survey entitled "Evaluation of Reform 13 Years and 18 Months SBY's government" shows, 40.9 percent of respondents perceive that the New Order is better than the Old Order and the Order of the Reformation. Only half, or 22.8 percent of respondents who said that the Order of the Reformation better than any other period.
The results of this survey presented the Executive Director of Indo Barometer M. Qodari told reporters in Jakarta, Sunday (05/15/2011). He said this result was a blow for all those who regard the reform as a momentum for change. "It's an irony that shows how the regime (New Order) who wants to be corrected it is deemed better," he said.
The survey results show that the public perceives a better New Order in the political, economic, social, and security. Reform Order only excel in the field of law enforcement. In the political field, 33.3 percent of respondents perceive Orba better. Meanwhile, only 29.6 percent of respondents who perceive better Reform Order. In the economic field, 56.3 percent of respondents perceive Orba better. Meanwhile, only 20.3 percent of respondents who perceive that better Reform Order.
In the field of security, as much as 53.7 percent of respondents said the New Order better. Only 20.6 percent of respondents who consider the Order of Reformed better. Meanwhile, in the legal field, 27.6 percent thought New Order better. While 34.3 percent of respondents considered better Reform Order.
Results of a survey involving 1,200 respondents nationwide and was conducted on 25 April to 4 May 2011 showed that people who live in urban areas more likely to perceive that the New Order is better than any other period of leadership, as many as 47.7 percent. This figure is 12 percent higher when compared with the percentage of rural people who perceive a better New Order, which is 35.7 percent.
From the level of education, all levels of education stating that the New Order better. However, in percentage, the higher the education level of respondents, their level of satisfaction lower Orba.
Ideals have not achieved
Responding to this survey, Ray Rangkuti reform activists say, there are a lot of the ideals of reform that has not been achieved. "It's critical for Reform Order that have not been able to fulfill the ideals in the field of law enforcement and human rights, eradication of corruption, and others. If nothing changes, a dark past continues to be the dream of every person," he said.
Other responders, economists Faizal Basri, highlighting the high number of rural communities who perceive Orba better than the Order of the Reformation. There are many causes of why it happened. "The decline in the poverty rate is slower in rural than in urban areas. Since the era of reform, the agricultural sector increasingly chaotic because food prices are no longer supported. Bulog more and no play, while the current market mechanism. Product imports flooded the country so that local products can not compete, "he said.
Not only that, since the reform era, according to him, no additional dams. Many of the damaged irrigation channels, but not repaired. The era of reform, said Faisal, more focus on building toll roads and airports.
"The president also rarely drop into the villages. The President is only a meeting of the palace to the palace. Or at least that (meeting) at the airport. Once down to the village, either. There is a photograph at the State Secretariat where the president rolled up his trousers to the knees when he was about harvest together. He did not know if the rice plants need water. The President also grow rice wad-wad. shall in growing rice should be one by one. In fact, his doctorate from IPB, "said Faisal.

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